Parenting Classes

Learn the essentials of all things birth and babies


Private prenatal & Parenting Classes


Hosted in the comfort of your home. We bring all the materials & teaching aids! Daytime, evening, weekend and virtual appointments are available!


Baby Care Basics

This 3 hour class provides interactive education on how to care for your newborn in the comfort of your own home. From the first 48 hours to learning about normal newborn behavior, this class will make you a pro at bonding, swaddling, diapering, soothing, and feeding your baby! You’ll receive hands-on instruction and opportunities to practice various techniques to get you feeling comfortable and confident.

$165 per two attendees - 3 hour class

birth class portland

Comfort Measures for Labor

In this 2.5 hour workshop you will explore breathing techniques, visualizations, affirmations, yoga ball positions, vocalization, rebozo support, labor positions, massage, music and more! You will have hands on practice with each method to see what resonates most with you and have a bag of tools to draw from during your birthing time. Partners or support person are encouraged to participate! This class is equally beneficial for those planning a natural or medicated labor and birth. 

Add an extra hour with your instructor to receive a personalized birth planning consultation. You’ll receive specific information on your place of birth and what options are available to you. This includes one follow-up phone call and 2 follow-up emails for additional feedback and guidance.

$165 per two attendees - 2.5 hour class


The greatest grandparents


Even though it’s been a while since you’ve had a small child of your own we know you want to be the best grandparent you can be! This workshop will give you a refresher on all the baby care basics - from diapering to swaddling to bottle-feeding and nap time. You’ll learn all about the latest gear and gadgets as well as changes in parenting guidelines provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). You will learn all about today's birth choices, modern parenting and ways to support your child and bond with your grandchild.

$140 per two attendees - 2 hour class


Birthing Planning session

There are a lot of options to sort through when preparing for your labor and birth. Birthing Planning 101 is a customized consultation to prepare for your baby’s birthday. Did you take a Childbirth Education class and are wanting to delve deeper in your unique birth vision? This class will go over specific information on your place of birth and what options are available to you. We’ll cover all of the standard medical and non-medical interventions and choices available to you at the hospital, home or birth center and craft a “Birth Plan or Birth Vision” just for you! This includes one follow-up phone call and 2 follow-up emails for additional feedback and guidance.

$125 per two attendees - 1.5 hour session

Enter parenthood with
calm & confidence