Birth Doula Support

give birth with a caring companion


birth doula support


Prenatal visits

Prenatal visits with your birth doula are a time to connect, create a vision for your birth, review your birth plan and receive hands on guidance and practice through a variety of comfort measures and relaxation techniques. Prenatal visits can also include education on postpartum expectations, breastfeeding, postpartum recovery and more.

Each prenatal visit is customized to delve deeper into the topics that are most important to you. They are designed to reduce any fear or worries around birth and boost your confidence as you prepare to meet your baby!

birth doula portland

on-call birth support

From the time you reserve services with your Doulas of Oregon birth doula, they are on call to provide virtual or in-person support. Whether you have questions about labor signs you’re having or if you want feedback on your birth plan, you can reach out to your doula! This includes 24/7 support as you near your due date.

Your doula is available to meet you at any time, day or night, when you go into labor!

doula portland oregon

birth & beyond

Wherever you decide to give birth, your doula will join you there in labor to provide physical, informational, and emotional support. Your doulas goal at your birth is to encourage you to use your voice, to assist in adhering to your birth plan, to give you comfort and enhance relaxation, and to support your partner so they can support you.

You doula arrives in labor and will stay with you for a bit after your baby is born to facilitate bonding and breastfeeding.

And birth doula care doesn’t stop there! Following birth your doula continues to remain on call for questions regarding postpartum recovery and baby care.

For more extensive postpartum support, we recommend hiring a postpartum doula or newborn care specialist!


Our approach to doula care

01 — Connection

Becoming a parent is a big transition and it can leave you feeling in your own world of diapers, 2am wake up calls and spit up. We focus in on you, the parents, to create connection and make sure you are feeling heard and validated as you shift into this season of change. Encouragement is our love language and we make sure to pour it on you during pregnancy and these first months with your little one.

02 — Confidence

Between the birth plan, the ring sling, birth classes and breast pumps, the gadgets and the all of the advice for pregnancy and postpartum; there’s a lot of information to sort through. As perinatal experts, we’re here to show you the abc’s of birth & baby care so that you feel confident in meeting your newborn’s needs and following your instincts. We’ll walk you through comfort measures, baby’s first bath, help you master the swaddle, get comfortable in the ring sling and learn all about the best calming techniques. We bring zero judgment, only support for your unique style of care and the learning curve that all new parents go through.

03 — Rest

Rest is essential for wellness, for healing and for bonding. Our modern society often leaves little margin for the importance of rest. Your body may be physically mending from birth, recovering from a cesarean or adjusting to sudden transition of adoption. Our doulas are passionate about ensuring that your only two jobs postpartum are to stay in bed and cuddle your baby or carve out time to fill your cup - mentally and emotionally! We will handle all of the tasks that pile up after baby including nursery restocking, baby laundry, sanitizing bottles and pump parts, setting up baby gear and light tidying of the home. Our overnight doula care focuses primarily on rest for the whole family. We will help establish gentle sleep associations for baby from day one and ensure that their every need is met while you sleep soundly.

04 — Nourishment

There’s nothing like a comforting plate of food and some hot tea to nourish the body. When you have a new baby, you often forget or literally have zero time to take care of yourself. We know the value of nourishment on all levels, especially birth & postpartum. Our doulas will share information on prenatal nourishment, make sure that grocery shopping is done and postpartum meal prep completed. Not only that, we’ll remind you to eat regularly and hold your sweet baby while you enjoy your meal with two hands. Nourishment also comes in the form of renewing yourself in ways that speak to you. When you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, we’ll take nurturing care of your newborn so that you can take a nap, a hot shower, visit with your partner, read a book, talk to a friend, have an in-home massage, journal or do some living room yoga.

05 — Community

We are firm believers that parenthood shouldn’t be an island. We are meant for community on this path as we navigate this new role. Our goal is to ensure you have all the information at your fingertips to find support groups, events and local professionals that provide ongoing services and classes for families in Oregon. Need a chiropractor for pregnancy, a pediatrician for your baby or a gathering to meet other new parents? We’ll make you’ve got the information you need!